
Action & Advocacy
The only way this movement goes forward is by YOUR action. Here you will find ways to keep the action going.
Strengthen and Expand Background Checks The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations Take action with the Episcopal Public Policy Network on strengthening and expanding background checks.
You can access more resources for action on their webpage here, including official Episcopal Church policy positions on the topic.
Ten Ways Your Church Can Reduce Gun Violence from EPF
Episcopal Peace Fellowship is an amazing resource for all kinds of issues: - here is a resource from them: 10 Ways Your Church Can Reduce Gun Violence
Bishops United Against Gun Violence Resources[AY1]
Bishops United Against Gun Violence is a group of more than 70 Episcopal bishops working to curtail the epidemic of gun violence in the United States. They also offer liturgical resources here.
If you want to see change take place at the National Level - you NEED to vote. Register on our Vote For Our Lives page.
Prayer & Worship
Here you will find resources for worship, individual care, group care and study. Whether it's a song, a curriculum or a prayer, taking care of the spirit is of the highest importance.
Teen Curriculum for After the March
Rev. Becky Zartman sends us this curriculum for after the march. PDF format:
Teen Curriculum for First Meeting After the Bus Ride Home
Never underestimate the power of song.
Hymn text of God We Have Heard It - Lamenting gun violence - and the tune: Tune: HERZLIEBSTER JESU - click to listen
A Vigil in Response to an Act of Mass Violence
Bishop Steve Lane, Diocese of Maine, wrote this litany that has been used in many places across the Church in the wake of tragedies from gun violence. It was written to be shared and adapted as needed: Read More
An Abrahamic Prayer at a Time of Grieving
An Abrahamic Prayer at a Time of Grieving - This resource was adapted from various interfaith prayer resources by Tony Kireopoulos, National Council of Churches.
An excerpt:
Remind us that we are both humble creatures and yet only a little lower than the angels, who have been entrusted with re... Read More
Litany of Complaint from Enriching Our Worship 5
From Enriching Our Worship 5: Many of these prayers and liturgies may be adapted for times like these.
Each worshiper should adopt the posture most helpful to the full expression of his or her grief
One: Hear the cries of your people, O... Read More
May you be strengthened by God's Spirit and filled with grace as you serve God's people who grieve, struggle with loss and pain and seek action in the wake of recent instances of gun violence.
Submit Resources
Have resources to add to what you see here? Send details to the Episcopal Public Policy Network at [email protected]